Consultant confectionery

Machines Occasions for Confectionery

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You have problems in your factory, some points which you do not control ?
Do not hesitate, an external eye is perceived always better to come to improve the things and especially to submit you an objective and impartial report/ratio of the situation.

Largest of the problems in a factory they are the men. The best ways to manage them and to frame them its to define quite precise tasks with them.
For that it is necessary to have great experience and to know how and to which distribute work.

It's our job.
On the basis of the person in charge for production to finish by the simple workman we will help you to clarify the role of each one so that everyone works under the best conditions and is conscious of its responsibilities.

From there it will be necessary to gradually add a climate of motivation by various systems, to bring more performance, a fall of waste, an increase in the productions and of course an improvement of the production ratios.
Everyone gains. It is clear that this mobilization must be made by the top and for that we will be in direct contact with the general direction which will approve our strategy before setting up.



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